July 16, 2008

Something's coming...

Radar shows large, fast, unexplained object
FORT WORTH, Texas — An enormous aircraft without transponders traveling up to 2,100 mph — at one time zooming toward President Bush's Crawford ranch — is similar to the mysterious object dozens reported seeing, according to radar documents examined by a group that studies unidentified flying objects.
FAA spokesman Roland Herwig said Monday that he had not seen the radar information provided to MUFON and could not comment on it or the group's interpretation of the data.

MUFON requested reports from the night of Jan. 8, when several dozen people in Texas dairy country — including a pilot, county constable, business owners and former air traffic controller — reported seeing a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast.

Some folks reported seeing military jets chasing it, which also was confirmed in the FAA radar documents.
The object was between 524 feet and 1,000 feet long, according to a MUFON report released earlier this month.

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