Bush Family Coincidences
I’m not saying anything, except this: The Bush family has experienced some really freaky coincidences.
March 31, 1981
Its revealed that Neil Bush (brother of Dubya) was going to have lunch that night with Scott Hinckley, brother of John w. Hinkley Jr. (who just shot Reagan). The Hinkley family had made large contributions to Bush’s (you know, the dad Bush) political campaigns.
Sharon Bush, Neil's wife [now divorced], said Scott Hinckley was coming to their house as a date of a girl friend of hers.
"I don't even know the brother. From what I know and I've heard, they (the Hinckleys) are a very nice family and have given a lot of money to the Bush campaign. I understand he was just the renegade brother in the family. They must feel awful," she said.
The dinner was canceled, she added.
George W. Bush said he was unsure whether he had met John W. Hinckley.
From an AP article reprinted in Free Republic of all places.
September 11, 2001
Bush the elder cancels scheduled meeting with representatives of the Bin Laden family.
Source: Carlyle’s Way
Thanks to a reader at BartCop for remembering these two little pieces. Again, I’m not saying these are anything but coincidences. I am saying that that family makes friends with families that produce interesting individuals.
Originally published over at our sister site This Century Sucks.
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